Leaf-cutter ant fungus gardens house a communityInteracting group of various species in a common location. of bacteria. We know very little about what these bacteria may or may not be doing in the fungus garden. Previous research indicates that bacteria fix nitrogenA process by which an organism takes N2, which is an inorganic form of nitrogen that many organisms cannot use, and changes it into an organic, usable form., making it available for the ants (the plants they indirectly consume do not have enough nitrogen). Through previous metagenomic sequencingSequencing all of the DNA in a sample. We can infer both the identities of the organisms in a sample and their functional capacities., there was also an indication that the bacteria could be providing the system with vitamins and nutritional supplements.
My work takes our knowledge of these bacterial communities further. I used metagenomic sequencingSequencing all of the DNA in a sample. We can infer both the identities of the organisms in a sample and their functional capacities. to compare fungus gardens from grass-cutter and dicot-cutter ants. I found that the bacterial communities significantly differed between the two systems, both in the communityInteracting group of various species in a common location. composition (who’s there) and functional capacity (what they’re capable of doing).
The bacterial genus Pantoea was the most abundant bacteria in the system, and is one of the bacteria that are known to fix nitrogenA process by which an organism takes N2, which is an inorganic form of nitrogen that many organisms cannot use, and changes it into an organic, usable form. in the system. The diversity of bacteria was higher in the dicot-cutter ant fungus gardens, reflecting the higher diversity of plants that are incorporated by dicot-cutter ants.
The grass-cutter ant fungus gardens were enriched for genes related to nitrogen fixation, amino acid metabolism, siderophoreProteins that are responsible for iron acquisition in low-iron environments. production and terpenoid biosynthesis. These are correlated with lower amounts of nitrogen, amino acids, iron and terpenoids in grasses compared to dicots and we believe that this suggests that the bacteria are compensating for a lack of these materials and could facilitate the ants’ transition from dicots to the less nutritious grasses.